Did you know that the human body is composed of 35 percent muscle mass? Our muscles are essential to the healthy functioning of our bodies, from basic movements for mobility to posture and joint stability.

Unfortunately, our muscles tend to become less toned and more rigid with age, even if we follow a regular exercise routine. Fat stores also tend to accumulate over time that are challenging to remove with diet and exercise. Young people may also work out regularly but fail to see results in the form of muscle definition and fat loss. 

At the Anti-Aging Clinic of Northwest Florida in Panama City Beach, we offer Emsculpt Neo for patients who would like to reduce excess fat and enhance their muscle strength and tone.


What Is Emsculpt Neo?

Emsculpt Neo is a nonsurgical treatment that creates larger, more defined muscles and eliminates fat. This treatment is FDA approved to increase muscle mass using electromagnetic energy and reduce fat with radiofrequency energy.

How Does Emsculpt Work?

Building Muscle With HIFEM Technology

Using high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy, Emsculpt causes the muscles in the target area to contract. These contractions are similar to how your muscles would behave during an intense exercise, but Emsculpt provides more numerous and intense contractions than could be completed in a voluntary workout. For comparison, we can only voluntarily contract our muscles to 30 to 35 percent of their capacity, whereas Emsculpt contracts them to 100 percent and maintains that contraction for up to six seconds.

By forcing the muscle tissues to adapt to thousands of powerful contractions, Emsculpt remodels the deep muscle structure and builds muscle tissue to a greater extent than exercise ever could.

Reducing Fat With RF Technology

Emsculpt Neo uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to heat and destroy unwanted fat cells. The temperature is controlled to eliminate fat cells without damaging the surrounding tissues. 

What Areas Can Emsculpt Treat?

  • Arms
  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Calves
  • Thighs

These parts of the body are commonly difficult to target with exercise, but Emsculpt Neo can create firmer, stronger muscles and leaner contours in these areas. 

Am I a Candidate for Emsculpt Neo?

If you lack muscle tone and have stubborn fat in one of the above treatment areas, Emsculpt Neo may be able to help. Patients at a healthy body weight with a body mass index (BMI) below 30 tend to experience the best Emsculpt results, but you may still qualify for treatment if you have a higher BMI. Emsculpt can treat any skin type, from very pale to very dark complexions. 

During your consultation with Dr. Ramsden at our Panama City Beach medical spa, he can evaluate your concerns and determine if Emsculpt Neo is right for you.

What to Expect During Emsculpt Treatment

Before your treatment, we take pictures of your treatment area to compare your progress before and after Emsculpt. You then lie down on our spa bed, and the Emsculpt Neo device is secured over your target muscles and fat. 

You can relax, watch television, read a book or talk to our technician during your treatment. We don’t recommend using a portable electronic device such as your phone or tablet, as the electromagnetic energy waves from the applicator may damage them. 

Our experienced technician will be there throughout your treatment to monitor you and ensure you are comfortable. 

How Long Is an Emsculpt Session?

An Emsculpt Neo treatment session takes just 30 minutes, so you can come in on your lunch break or before or after work without it taking up much of your day. 

What Does Emsculpt Feel Like?

This treatment is pain-free, and patients have reported a pulling sensation and intense vibrations. Our providers will be monitoring you throughout the treatment and can always adjust the intensity if you begin to feel any discomfort. 

Complications are rare, but if any symptoms do occur, please contact the Anti-Aging Clinic of Northwest Florida right away.

Do I Need Multiple Emsculpt Neo Treatments?

Our Emsculp Neo package is for a series of four treatments, and you undergo one treatment every seven days.

The number of treatment series for you to achieve ideal results will depend on your starting fat and muscle mass as well as your individual body composition and goals. At your consultation, our experienced team can help you decide on how many treatment packages to get.

What Is Emsculpt Recovery Like?

You will probably feel muscle soreness after your treatment, similar to if you had worked out intensely. No downtime is needed after Emsculpt Neo; you can continue with your day right after your session.

Are Emsculpt Results Immediate?

You will notice some immediate results of Emsculpt, such as improved strength and endurance when using the muscles in the treated area. Your increased muscle mass, improved definition and leaner contours will become apparent two to four weeks after your final treatment, and results will continue to improve over the next several weeks.

Are Emsculpt Neo Results Permanent?

Your resulting increased muscle mass after Emsculpt will act similar to if you had achieved that same muscle tone at the gym. It will last about six months to a year but can be maintained with regular exercise or repeat treatments. The fat removed will be gone permanently, but weight gain can cause the remaining fat cells to enlarge.

Increase Your Muscle Definition and Reduce Fat With Emsculpt in Panama City Beach

Our founder, Dr. Timothy Ramsden, has over 19 years of experience and looks forward to helping you achieve the lean muscle tone you desire with Emsculpt Neo. Contact the Anti-Aging Clinic of Northwest Florida by calling 850-238-8563 or filling out our online consultation form